Sunday, April 26, 2009


God is so wonderful. He never plans without a thrill. He never puts a way without a purpose. He never sets a life without a promise. Remember you are always in the hands of God.

The journey to God starts with one small step at a time. He does not expect You to run the mile but He promises to give You the strength to go the distance. Do not be afraid to step forward.

God's Way is the Best:

One day I asked God for a bunch of beautiful flowers, but He gave me a cactus plant with thorns.
Later, I asked Him to give me butterflies, but He gave me worms.

I was disappointed and I wept. But a few days later, I noticed that the cactus bloomed with beautiful flowers and the worms soon became butterflies.

God wants us to wait for the right time for He knows what is best in His own perfect time.


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