Showing posts with label msg. Show all posts
Showing posts with label msg. Show all posts

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Messages From Mon Téléphone

The Lord offers us anything that we enjoy but in our quest to be successful, it does not matter anymore. We continue with our desires. God's way is the best way. You can't change the destiny. Good things come to those who wait.

God opens millions of flowers without forcing the buds, reminding us not to force anything, for things happen perfectly in time.

God always plans the best things for us. Although sometimes we feel being left out. God is saving the better one than what we actually asked for.

Try to live life with the least SORRY's..
that means thinking before saying or doing anything,
It's always better not to hurt anyone than to apologize after you've hurt them.

Life is not about waiting for the storm to pass.
It's learning to dance in the rain.
It's singing in the car when you don't even know all the words.
It's giving your heart to someone even if your a little scared at first.
It's about taking risks and making life worth living.
Because every minute you waste is a minute you will never get back.

Things happen because we choose to. There may be regrets but blaming is not an option. We are where we are because we brought ourselves there. We get happy, get sad but most importantly -we learn.

Before, in all fairy tales, the prince will fall in love with the princess and the prince will fight the witch and dragons to have his princess.
But nowadays, the prince would simply make the princess fall deeply in love with him and the princess would do all the fighting.
I think that is the reason why, fairy tales only exist once upon a time.

Sometimes when they ask us to stay, we feel important.
But then again, at the back of our minds, we ask ourselves:
Are we WANTED?
or just NEEDED?

Broken hearted girls are like the QUEEN in the game of chess.
No matter how difficult the game is, the QUEEN always have the DEADLIEST MOVES.
But the sad part is, she would even sacrifice herself just to let the king live.

Being destined is not just leaving it all in fate.
It's all about how much effort proving that the TWO of you are rightfully meant to be.

MOVING ON sounds easy, right?
but I have died a thousand times in pain just to appreciate this phrase.

Don't try to understand everything because sometimes it's not meant to be understood, but rather ACCEPTED.

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Sunday, September 6, 2009

The Sun Rises for Me!

On this day of your life, Nanette, we believe God wants you to know...
... that when the sun rises, it rises for you.

Yes, for you. Just for you. Only for you. You are it, everything, the whole universe with all the billion galaxies and stars. The separateness you feel is only a mask you have put on to enjoy this human form. Under the mask, your shape is All. How far can you now feel your Self expand? To your parent?... to your child?... to your friend?... to a stranger on a street?... half way around the globe?

Wah. What a nice message from Facebook.
Good evening everyone!
God bless.
I've been too blessed today.
I thank God for everything that's happening in my life.

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Thursday, August 27, 2009

What could it be?

On this day of your life, Nanette, we believe God wants you to know...
... that today is a big day for you.

Yes, today. Keep your eyes open for a message. It might come in a shape of a bird flying overhead, or a graffiti on a wall, or a phrase said by a passerby, or... Whatever shape it has, this message has been trying to reach you for years, and today is finally the day. Keep your senses open.

I opened my facebook again.
A very inspiring message from the."God wants you to know application."
Well, I wonder what could that message be.

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Monday, August 24, 2009

From Facebook!

On this day of your life, Nanette, we believe God wants you to know...
... that what you are most afraid of is where your greatest rewards are.

If all you had to do was wish for something and you would have it, life would be pretty boring, wouldn't it? God placed barriers between us and what we want, so we can enjoy interesting and satisfying lives. God hid our biggest rewards behind the highest barriers - our deepest fears. God wants us to face our fears, and hold ground in their presence, and let them go, and that's how we get out biggest rewards. What are you most afraid of? Say it, just start by saying it.

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Sunday, August 23, 2009

God wants me to know..

On this day of your life, Nanette, we believe God wants you to know...
... that you are asked for very little, - just the totality of your being.

God demands the totality of your being. That you invest all of yourself into celebrating the glory and the preciousness of being alive right now, no holding back and saving for later.

I really love this application in Facebook.
Today's message struck me again.
Hmm..totality of me.
Not saving or holding back my life to God.
I pray for my continual growth in God.
And I PRAY that I'll be able to give myself ONLY to Him.

Nyahh.. I'm really sad with what's happening to my life right now.

Am I doing the right decisions?

I'm lost.
Totally lost in this world.

I was on the right road before but now there are roads that I've been going through.

I'm having turns instead of straight path.

God's guidance.

That's what I need.
Please do pray for me.

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God's Messages!

Your value in God's eyes never changes.
No matter how many times you fail Him;
how many mistakes you make;
your value in His eyes remains exactly the same child He made.
Nothing you will do will ever cause God to love you less.
You are greatly blessed, highly favored and deeply loved forever.

That's why it's so hard when I do mistakes.
I really find it hard because I'm loved by God but still I do fail Him.
How will I live to how God wants me to live?
I'm so confused.

God will never live you empty.
He will replace everything you lost.
If He asked you to put something down,
it's because He wants you to pick up something better.

We can't prevent it.
We can never prevent something that we want to be not ours.
Yeah, I know it's hard to accept but if we wait for it, we'll have the best.
Hmm, I hope I can wait.
I hope I did wait.
I'm sorry.

Life FORMS us.
School INFORMS us.
Love REFORMS us.
Allow Him to make a better you.

I missed everything.
I'm feeling not me.
I'm missing God's presence although I know He's always with me.
I feel alone like that man in the footprints in the sand.
I pray for God's continuous transforming in my life.
I need Him more.

A short period of suffering is a small price to pay for a clearer view of God.

A message I got from a TV show few nights ago.
Hmmm, yup, suffering is not that bad to us.
It only shows that we need God.
That we are dependent only to Him.
That He's the only one who can answers our prayers.
That He's the only one whom we can trust.

Remember God first before you begin the daily games of your life.
Put Him as your weapon in happiness, in guts and trials, in strength and in success.

Honoring God in everything we do brings success.
In fact we should always thank God for another life that we have.
Life is a gift from Him alone.
We should not just live for ourselves but only for Him.
because everything is about Him.

God smiles when we praise Him,
listens when we pray,
gives when we ask,
forgives when we repent,
and stays forever when we love.
God cares for you.

God loves us so much.
It's the same with the first message on the top.
Hmm, how great He really is.
I wish I can lessen my mistakes.
I really hate it when I do bad things.
God please make me a better person.
Keep me away from temptations.

In God's eyes, love is never absent.
In God's heart, forgiveness is never impossible.
In God's embrace, no one is ever alone.

He is a great God.
Continue to trust Him.
He loves us so much.

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Points to Ponder on..

Laugh when you can.
Apologize when you should.
Let go of what you can change.
Kiss slowly.
Play hard.
Forgive quickly.
Take chances.
Give everything.
Life is too short to be anything but HAPPY.

Never ever limit yourself when it comes to happiness.
Learn how to take risks because life so much beautiful outside the comfort zone.
It allows you to meet people and takes you to places beyond your imagination.

Take some time to smile when you're sad,
to rest when you're tired,
to love when you're feeling empty,
and to let go if you need to.
Time endures.
Time heals.
In this life, just take some time for yourself,
then you'll see,
everything will all into the right place,
the way you wanted life to be.

A lifetime thought;
Always try your best to get whatever you love.
Otherwise, you will be forced to love whatever you get.

Let go of the things that can no longer be fix.
If you force to try to put them back, things will only get worse.
Holding on is being brave, but sometimes moving on makes you even tougher.

Life is like riding a bicycle.
You have to balance everything and in order to maintain balance,
you have to keep on moving.

Being deeply loved by someone gives you strength, while loving someone deeply gives you courage. -Lao Tzu

If you never met the devil on the road of life, it's probably because you are both headed in the same direction.

We can be fine even when others do not have a good opinion of us.
What matters most is not what others think of us, but what we think of ourselves.
Besides, a true intelligent person is the one who can pretend to be a fool in front of a fool who pretends to be intelligent.

Don't mess up with someone who never learn to trust and love you like you did.
Just move on!
For the billions and billions of people around the planet,
who told you it's hard to find a replacement?

If someone loves you, there is actually no need to ask nor beg for something you like or want to happen,
because when a person loves you that person would perfectly learn about what makes you happen even without telling what it is.

Sometimes we came into a person's life not to make them love us,
but to let them feel that they are so much worth loving.

Sometimes being kind is not enough to win someone's heart.
We are too 'into' finding that PERFECT someone.
Perfect beauty, intelligence and personality.
Then after the long search, we find ourselves falling helplessly with someone who's not even halfway of our IDEAL person.
We fail to realize that no matter how much STANDARDS we set,
we'd always end up NOT with someone we WANT,
but with someone WE CAN'T RESIST falling for.

Life is too short to be wasted for the wrong person.

Nyahh!! Full of sense!

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Friday, August 21, 2009

what God wants me to know.

I opened this application again in my facebook account and here's what it tells.

On this day of your life, Nanette, we believe God wants you to know...
... that it's OK.

Just rest for a moment. It's OK. Yes, things are crazy, yes, the world is going nuts. Yet, deep underneath the stormy waves, there, in the core of your being, there is pure silence, pure love. And ... it's ... just ... OK.

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Thursday, August 20, 2009

Delighting in the Lord

Psalm 37 has been one of my favorite passages in the Bible.
And guess what, I encountered it two times this week.
First was last Sunday because it was he message delivered to us by our pastor.
Second was today.
It was just an accident but I know God has plans and I want to know what He wants to tell me.
I'm sure there's something about that.
It strike me two times without knowing it.

Hmm..I'm about to post what we had last Sunday i church.
I'm really happy that God talked to me. :]]

How do we delight ourselves in the Lord?

D= Declaring his praises......1 Peter 2:9, Psalm 22;22, Psalm 71:17-18
E = Examining our ways......Psalm 11:5, 2 Corinthians 13:5
L = Listening to his voice.....John 10:27, Proverbs 8:34, Proverbs 15:31
I = Intimate relationship with Jesus......Romans 8:35, 37, 39
G = Giving......2Corinthians 9:7, Proverbs 11:25, Matthew 10:8b
H = Holy-Living.....1 Thessalonians 4:7, 2 Corinthians 7:1
T = Trusting in His name......Romans 9:33, Isaiah 26:3, Proverbs 28:25-26

If you think that everything's out of control, think again. Find your joy in the Lord because you can't find it here alone. If we do that God will give the desires of our hearts.

Psalm 37

1 Do not fret because of evil men
or be envious of those who do wrong;

2 for like the grass they will soon wither,
like green plants they will soon die away.

3 Trust in the LORD and do good;
dwell in the land and enjoy safe pasture.

4 Delight yourself in the LORD
and he will give you the desires of your heart.

5 Commit your way to the LORD;
trust in him and he will do this:

6 He will make your righteousness shine like the dawn,
the justice of your cause like the noonday sun.

7 Be still before the LORD and wait patiently for him;
do not fret when men succeed in their ways,
when they carry out their wicked schemes.

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Thursday, August 13, 2009

Simplicity! Nyahhh! :]

(a nice image from

It is amazing to realize that living in simplicity gives true contentment.
We go as we come to this world.
In the end, nothing is ours to keep.
So, let's share what we have..
SMILES, knowledge, hugs,
GOOD WORDS, time and LOVE.

LOVE more.
Hate LESS.
LOVE life.

It's really true.
Based on my experiences, being simple makes me unique to everyone.
Hmm, I'm not that materialistic.
Everything's going to end anyway.
Well, I'm just touched with this message.
Especially the part which says:
Hmm. God Bless.

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Monday, August 3, 2009

Eagle's Wings

I think I know why I can't review. And yes! I'm here again writing. I'll start with a story from this morning.

That was ten minutes before 7:30am. I have to be fast or I'll be late at school. As I was fixing my bag, I saw my Bible. A thought suddenly entered my mind.
"I should read something today."

I opened my Bible and the message is all about Isaiah 40:27-31.
Hmmm. I read it first very fast and some thing on my mind said that I should read it slow so for the second time, I read it slow.

Then on verse 29, I suddenly remembered that I should put a verse on my exam booklet..(a hobby I got when I was in high school)..So, it turned out that I memorized Isaiah 40:29..(I put it on my exam this aftie!)

Hmmm..After reading it, I went back to verse 31. (The "eagle's wings" part.)
Back from my 2nd Year High school, we had this movie program.
The message is all about soaring high with God's strength.
Verse 31 is also familiar with me because when I was looking for a passage for my project in Theo 1, this is one of my choices but since drawing eagle's wings is too hard, I just chose another passage. :]

Hmmm, now, when I was about to review, my mom showed her new CD's which she bought in the mall. I tuned in to it and while it was in Track 4, I searched for the information and gues what?...The Title is Eagle's Wings and according to Reuben Morgan(the one who wrote the song),

"This is a salvation song, a realization of our deepest need to be filled with the presence and the glory of Go. Isaiah 40:31."

The message I got from morning up to now is always Isaiah 40:31. What could God possibly want me to know?

I think it's because He felt that I need Him. Although I don't talk about it, God knows what's in my heart. And I think God is talking to me and comforting me. He wants me to know that He's there and He's telling me to stop what I'm doing and rest in Him. To stop thinking about what's here in the world and rest and be comforted in Him.

Gd is there. He takes over in my life..that's what he wants. Because it's too much for me and he wants to lessen my burden. God gives strength. I know it because He said it. I'm just blessed today that I can't do the things I'm supposed to do.

I thank God for giving me this message and I pray that I'll understand more what God means. And I pray that when you read this, you'll feel the same great thing that I'm feeling today.

God Bless Everyone!

-July 27, 2009
An excerpt from my scratch

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Sunday, August 2, 2009

Because He lives.

(a shot from our beloved school. SMHS)

Be contented!! Yahhh...Think about it? Hmmm..Well, God is bigger than my problems, loneliness, pain, financial needs and enemies. I should never be afraid to trust an unknown future to a known God. I know God is with me and He'll help me because God is faithful. He said in Genesis 28:15, "I will never leave you until I have finished giving you Everything I promised you." God is very faithful and He loves me and you more than we ever know.

Life does not need to be too perfect; does not need to be too rich; does not need to be too famous; does not need to be too romantic. As long as I have God in my life, it's more than enough.

It's really hard to think about that..(especially when bad things suddenly happen) but God loves me and I know problems will pass eventually. Ahh!! Trust God.

I'll end this "post" for today with this line from an untitled song..(I don't know the title..) It's the song I've been singing in my head since this morning..Haha. It just popped out from nowhere when I was on my on school. :]

Because He lives, I can face tomorrow.
Because He lives, all fear is gone.
And I know, I know He holds the future.
nd life is worth the living just because He lives.

- July 27, 2009.
An excerpt from my scratch. :]

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Thursday, July 9, 2009


Oh. Haha. It's a good message for me but a year late

Have you ever had the feeling that you were too pressured to choose from something you're sure of and from something you are happy with?

It's like you don't know if you are brave enough to take the risk of letting go of everything you hold on to before.

Life is totally twisted. Things change and happens.

So know what you really want and go for it. Choose what makes you happy today or die in sadness tomorrow.

Haha. This is exactly what I had to do.
Choose from schools.
I think I chose the right one because I'm super happy with my school. *^^*

Monday, July 6, 2009

90 Percent

"10 Percent in life consists of what happens to you.
90 percent of life consists of what you do to what happens to you.

We had this video on our English subject which we watched.
From that our professor asked us about our insight.
The video was really great a very inspiring message to us.
I hope my classmates thought and listened about it well.

I can't forget this line in the message.
(that one above!!)

I have 90 Percent in life to control what I do.
10 Percent only about what happens to me.

From that 90 Percent, I do my blog.
My blog is a part of it.
I mean:
"FROM what is happening to me (the 10%), I write it."
I write so that if there are people reading this blog they will read something that is inspiring.
I am trying so hard to produce articles here that would be inspiring.

Well, from life lessons I directly put it here.
I hope you got what I mean.

Also from that 90%, I could never miss thanking God.
Thanking God for me is not 90% but 100%.
God has provided everything for me so that's why I should thank Him.

I hope from that 90%, I can affect people's life..(their 10%).

God Bless everyone!!

Thursday, July 2, 2009

From Patrick Starfish!

"Everything will be ok in the end. If it is not ok, then it is not yet the end."

Well, I was inspired by this message. Remember, I was BROKEN yesterday. Haha. A nice shot for me!!

Monday, June 29, 2009

Scotch Tape!

I love this quote..

How do you see that someone special is "the one"?

It's like searching for the tip of the scotch tape..


Shirt and Mistakes

It is possible that in every mistake we can always forgive.
But if we will compare it with a simple thing..
We could not always wear a shirt that is too worn out.

Make sense!!

Read and Learn:

In life, never welcome something you cannot entertain.
Never open your doors if your heart means to close.
Never accept love if you cannot give yourself in return.
Never start a relationship that you know you would want to end.
Two of the shortest words in the English language are..
YES and NO
and yet they are often the ones that require the most thought
before they are spoken.

A Grass

Have you noticed a grass?
Even if somebody steps on it, it never gets hurt.
It never hurts others too.

When a wild storm attack, all the big trees get uprooted
bu the simple grass survives.

So stay noble and humble like the grass.
Simple but strong.

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Five Finger Prayer

1. Thumb.
It is nearer to you, so pray for those who are closest to you.

2. Pointing Finger
Pray for those who teach, instruct and heal.

3. Tallest Finger
Pray for our leaders. They need God's guidance.

4. Ring Finger
Weakest finger, so pray for those who are weak, troubled or in need.

5. Little finger
The smallest to remind you to pray for yourself.
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