Monday, July 6, 2009

90 Percent

"10 Percent in life consists of what happens to you.
90 percent of life consists of what you do to what happens to you.

We had this video on our English subject which we watched.
From that our professor asked us about our insight.
The video was really great a very inspiring message to us.
I hope my classmates thought and listened about it well.

I can't forget this line in the message.
(that one above!!)

I have 90 Percent in life to control what I do.
10 Percent only about what happens to me.

From that 90 Percent, I do my blog.
My blog is a part of it.
I mean:
"FROM what is happening to me (the 10%), I write it."
I write so that if there are people reading this blog they will read something that is inspiring.
I am trying so hard to produce articles here that would be inspiring.

Well, from life lessons I directly put it here.
I hope you got what I mean.

Also from that 90%, I could never miss thanking God.
Thanking God for me is not 90% but 100%.
God has provided everything for me so that's why I should thank Him.

I hope from that 90%, I can affect people's life..(their 10%).

God Bless everyone!!


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