Thursday, July 30, 2009


Main Entry: 2smile
Function: noun
Date: 15th century
1 : a facial expression in which the eyes brighten and the corners of the mouth curve slightly upward and which expresses especially amusement, pleasure, approval, or sometimes scorn 2 : a pleasant or encouraging appearance

-Merriam Webster

There's a big impact happening to me right now..just because of a smile.
Hmmm..I've searched for quotes about smile and I found cute quotes for it..especially on this site.
Well, what I like most is this: Smile! It confuses people.
And my post for right now is about it. Hehe.

Beside the clouds, rainbows, stars, moon and everything in the sky, a smile also makes me happy. Hmm, I love it when people smiles at me. And of course, I love to smile too.

I always put a big smile on my face whenever I'm happy. But when I'm sad...hmmm I try to smile too. Why? Because God wants me to be glad always..(Philippians 4:4)..And I have read on a book that when you are sad, try to smile and later you will feel much better. Haha. (I've tried that before and it really works..*^^*)

Now, three smiles from yesterday and the other day before yesterday, confused me a lot. Haha. And up to now, I'm still confused about it. Well, I should not think about it. Right? Hehe. (it's a secret!! Shhhhh..*^^*)

Oh! I remember that one time when having my Personality Development Subject, the professor asked what's my asset. I answered that my asset is my smile. And trully, I love my smile. It's very unique (even if my sister always tell me that I have a fake smile..hmmp..). I really like it hehe. Smiling makes me feel good. And sometimes, I smile to strangers and eventually because of that smile, I meet them. Haha. But of course, there are strangers that I'm smiling but does not give back a smile.

P.S.: I know everything here is not in order. Haha. I noticed that too. IDEAS from my head forms too fast and because of that I can't write perfectly and in group. Haha. But I hope you understand everything and what I mean. :]

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