Sunday, May 17, 2009

a big, fluffy, violet cloud and somebody up there

I looked at the sky this afternoon. I saw a big violet sky and wished I had my sister's Cybershot. It's really a nice view. A good, perfect one. A big, fluffy, violet cloud with a shade of orange for a background as the sun is setting.

We had a rainy afternoon but by 5pm the rain stopped and the sun was there. I hope there's a rainbow. Hmmm, should I really hope because I haven't seen one? I mean if there's a rainbow outside, I cannot see it anyway.

But now, it's raining again. Oh!!..What a day. BTW, we should not worry about anything. Haha. I think my imagination's going wild again that I've been thinking about things. Haha. A good lesson for me. God's always there to help me. ^^.

I wonder what could possibly they are thinking. YepYepYep. What could possibly? Does he hate me? I mean of course, he don't like me. Too sad but hmmm...stop crying..^^..Smile!!..Hope I can have a smiley face. I always have one but the real happy face. I'd like to see the really happy me..haha..Bye for now. Have a nice night.


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