Friday, May 15, 2009

Weather for Today!

Ohh!!..It's a rainy morning but now the sun is shining. What a peaceful day!..(I hope..hihi*) Well, I missed the weather news last night. I'm not actually watching news but I always remind myself (starting last March) to watch news because it's important. ^^.

Hmm, I wonder if there's another typhoon coming because they say that summer is already over. "Welcome rain!!". Hmmm...It's not totally goodbye sun but I will miss the "not so good" heat of the sun..^^..

I don't like rainy days. It's such a gloomy day. Making me lazy and tired and drink a lot of coffee(wiihhh..^^). Oh!..also causing me not to use the pc and stuck up in my room..listening to songs that reminds me of something (or someone, rather).

But now, I really enjoy looking outside. Such a nice scene. Those trees and now there..a tint of light..caused by the sun. ^^.

Sometimes...(most of the times)..I complain about the sun but really I love the sun. Hmmm..Because when it's a sunny day, I can go outside but when it rains (hehe) hmmmm..stuck up here..^^

I don't know what got into my mind about posting this article..hehe..But maybe, I'm just thankful for this day. ^^... Thanks to God for this day. I hope everything will be fine. ^^. Hmmm..I'm also happy because I received a message this lunch..^^..Haha..


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