Friday, June 26, 2009


Two days ago, I had a cough.
I also had a fever.
People thought that I have an A(h1N1) Virus.
I hate it.
I just got a cough and fever..Arghhh!!
(Even if I had a sick, I still used the pc.)
(I mean, I still spent my day using the computer..)
See, I have no A(H1N1).!!

Hmmm..Now, I think I have a stomachache.
I have not eaten any rice today.
Just bread!!
I don't feel eating anything!!
Hmmm..and now, I regret it because it aches a lot.
But I can still laugh and use the pc..

Well, I had a great day...
I did nothing but sleep and watch TV.
I also ate fruits...


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