If my first post is about sadness, this one is about being happy!
Totally happy that it rained.
I guess it's too different from what I'm feeling everytime it rains.
I always feel sad when it rains but this morning is too different.
I was doing something outside our house when it rained.
It rained hard.
I was almost wet and my mom was outside the house too.
She was doing the laundry.
Hmm, I was still doing something and I can't come insode because I was not yet finish.
Suddenly, Ching-Ching, my 3-year-old niece, went outside too.
It was raining hard like I said and she run into the rain.
She got wet in just a few seconds.
I laughed loudly because she was funny.
I walked towards the shelter to the rain and jumped.
I'm happy.
Me and Ching took a bath in the rain.
It was a very nice feeling.
We even sang and danced in the rain.
We both laughed loudly. :P
Hmm. I felt the joy from the rain God sent.
I hope that when it rains again, I'll be happy and not be melancholic.
Hmm..but right now, I feel a little bit sad.Nyah!!
Why? Oh why?
I can't write the reason why I'm sad.
I really can't.
I have to keep it to myself alone.
I love to tell it too but at the same time I hate to tell it too.
Nyahh. Please stop crying!
Why am I feeling this..??

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