Wednesday, May 6, 2009

The Promise

I made a promise to someone. I made him that promise on a rainy Saturday midnight. I think it's hard for me to keep my promise but I've been trying so hard to keep it.

The promise is that before I do something I should think first. Think about the things that my move will cause. Either positive or negative. Hehe.

Of course as a human we should always think first but for me it's really hard. Hehe. I always forget to think. Hmmmm. Really, really hard!! Hehe

But, at least, I'm surviving. Hehe. One time, I remember my promise to him and I did think first before doing something. It helped a lot because I realized that the move I will do will cause a negative "thing". So in the end, I did not do it all.

Haha. I realized then that the promise I made really helped me a lot. I sure will keep it!!..^^


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