Monday, June 22, 2009

Accident!..Guns and Ice Pick!

Omo!!..on my way home..I rode a jeep.
The jeep bumped to the other car..
It was a strong bump..
The jeepney moved on without talking to the driver of the car..
The car went ahead of us..and parked in front of the jeep.
They talked and moved out a gun and an ice pick!
Omo!!..I thought about something bad that will happen..
Then..I prayed..
I held out my cellphone..(thinking about calling him if something occurs)..haha
The car driver throwed a big stone on the jeepney.
We, the passengers, are still inside the jeep.
When people started to get out of the jeep, I, too, did get away from the jeep.
Then, I realized that my money is not yet given to me.
I stopped for a moment and looked at the jeep.
The mad driver of the car was gone already so I rode again on the jeep.

Moments ago, The jeep stopped again..
There was the mad driver again..with the police.
They shouted and fought with each other.
I was too afraid and thank God my money was given back to me.
I run with the other passengers and waited for a jeep.

When I was already on the other jeep, I saw the drivers and the police.
I was too afraid but i thank God for taking care of me!!..^^


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