I miss someone today.
Hmm..and because of that I can't review much..
Well, after posting this blog, I'll be turning off the pc again and review.
I'll try hard.
Ahmm. It's already 7:18pm.
And I want to write something about that someone but I don't know what I'll write.
Oh! Patience.
I have to be patient right?
Because even if I don't know if he likes me or not?
And even if today is not yet the right time?
And even if he likes someone else right now..(which I hope not)..
I'll still endure the pain because I like him so much.
I'd like to share one thing from this afternoon on my way home.
I saw a shirt (from someone sitting in front of me on the jeep).
It says on his shirt..
"Love God's Gift"
A big smile went into my face because of those words.
Well, I hope you understand what I mean.
Hmm..I like him so much.
I just hope he's the one from God.
But even if he's not, I'll still accept what God has for me.
Because only God knows what's best for me.
Goodnight everyone.
God Bless.
Exam tomorrow.