Friday, July 31, 2009

"Love God's Gift"

I was reviewing for half an hour when I decided to turn on the pc again.
I miss someone today.
Hmm..and because of that I can't review much..
Well, after posting this blog, I'll be turning off the pc again and review.
I'll try hard.

Ahmm. It's already 7:18pm.
And I want to write something about that someone but I don't know what I'll write.

Oh! Patience.
I have to be patient right?
Because even if I don't know if he likes me or not?
And even if today is not yet the right time?
And even if he likes someone else right now..(which I hope not)..
I'll still endure the pain because I like him so much.

I'd like to share one thing from this afternoon on my way home.
I saw a shirt (from someone sitting in front of me on the jeep).
It says on his shirt..
"Love God's Gift"
A big smile went into my face because of those words.
Well, I hope you understand what I mean.

Hmm..I like him so much.
I just hope he's the one from God.
But even if he's not, I'll still accept what God has for me.
Because only God knows what's best for me.

Goodnight everyone.
God Bless.

Exam tomorrow.

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Because of Gummy Worms

Having my last subject for today, I think of eating gummy worms.
Haha. I thought about buying gummy worms right after my last subject..(which is Math)
But hmm I searched for someone first.
It's been a week from July 24..haha..

I went to Cyber Siena to look for "kiseki"..(it's a japanese word)
Hmm..unluckily..I did not saw kiseki.
So I decided to go home already.
On my way out from school, I stopped to a nearby store to buy gummy worms.
While I was paying, kiseki went out to the gate.
I laughed and smiled a bit because I saw kiseki.

There's no chance to see kiseki because our school is too big.
Hmm..But I still saw kiseki because of gummy worms.
I love gummy worms!!.

One thing I realize is that when I try to do things by my own, I end up failing
but when I surrender everything to God, everything goes well. *^^*

God Loves Us.

I have to go now.
Filipino and Tennis exam tomorrow morning.
God Bless. I pray that I'll have good grades.

P.S. Kiseki did not see me but it's all right.
I also have 75 posts for July. I beat my June post. Yipee! :]

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Thursday, July 30, 2009

A Bid of GoodBye

Oh! I'm just too happy today. haha.
I have to go now. I hope you'll enjoy my playlist.
(and also my articles here) haha.
Ahmm! I'm too blessed. I almost forgot. :]
Tomorrow is the last day of July.

And I have 74 post for today..(in July).

I hope tomorrow I can open up my blog so that I can enter many posts. Haha.
Remember June has 74 too.
God Bless and Smile a lot.

BTW, this is the cupcake I designed when we had our seminar in Heny Sison.
It's so yummy. Haha.

Cute Clown!!

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Main Entry: 2smile
Function: noun
Date: 15th century
1 : a facial expression in which the eyes brighten and the corners of the mouth curve slightly upward and which expresses especially amusement, pleasure, approval, or sometimes scorn 2 : a pleasant or encouraging appearance

-Merriam Webster

There's a big impact happening to me right now..just because of a smile.
Hmmm..I've searched for quotes about smile and I found cute quotes for it..especially on this site.
Well, what I like most is this: Smile! It confuses people.
And my post for right now is about it. Hehe.

Beside the clouds, rainbows, stars, moon and everything in the sky, a smile also makes me happy. Hmm, I love it when people smiles at me. And of course, I love to smile too.

I always put a big smile on my face whenever I'm happy. But when I'm sad...hmmm I try to smile too. Why? Because God wants me to be glad always..(Philippians 4:4)..And I have read on a book that when you are sad, try to smile and later you will feel much better. Haha. (I've tried that before and it really works..*^^*)

Now, three smiles from yesterday and the other day before yesterday, confused me a lot. Haha. And up to now, I'm still confused about it. Well, I should not think about it. Right? Hehe. (it's a secret!! Shhhhh..*^^*)

Oh! I remember that one time when having my Personality Development Subject, the professor asked what's my asset. I answered that my asset is my smile. And trully, I love my smile. It's very unique (even if my sister always tell me that I have a fake smile..hmmp..). I really like it hehe. Smiling makes me feel good. And sometimes, I smile to strangers and eventually because of that smile, I meet them. Haha. But of course, there are strangers that I'm smiling but does not give back a smile.

P.S.: I know everything here is not in order. Haha. I noticed that too. IDEAS from my head forms too fast and because of that I can't write perfectly and in group. Haha. But I hope you understand everything and what I mean. :]

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Like VS. Love

(a picture in Baguio City..that's me holding the digicam. :])

I viewed a blog from a stranger quite I know. Haha.
And I read something cute in that blog which I wanted to share with you. Haha.
It strikes straight to the heart. Nyahaha.

Someone You Like and Someone You Love
  • In front of the person you like, your heart beats faster.
  • In front of the person you love, you get happy.
  • In front of the person you like, winter is just beautiful winter.
  • In front of the person you love, winter seems like spring.
  • If you look into the eyes of the one you like, you blush.
  • If you look into the eyes of the one you love, you smile.
  • You can’t look straight into the eyes of the one you like.
  • You can always smile and stare into the eyes of the one you love.
  • But when the one you like is crying, you end up comforting.
  • But when the one you love is crying, you cry with them.

The Feeling of LIKE starts from the EAR,
But the feeling of
LOVE starts from the EYE.

But If you stopped liking a person you used to like,
All you need to do is cover your ears,

But If you try to close your eyes,

Love turns into a drop of tear,
and remains in your heart forever.

-*^^* (Click this smile to go to that blog.)

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Wednesday, July 29, 2009

July 29, 2009 Smiley Day

Wahh! I enjoyed my day today. Someone I "quite" know smiles at me. Haha.
4 exams left and yep. Ahh!
It's really hard but I know God helps me. Hehe.
God Bless all.

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Saturday, July 25, 2009

A Big Wave

I'm waving a big goodbye to everyone.
I'm very happy because for the third time, I watched my favorite movie again.
I also heard Canon.
I missed watching movies so that's what I did this whole aftie.
Well, I'm very happy.
I am giving love to everyone.
Hugs and Kisses. XOXO.
I'm really happy and I have a big smile on my face.

Just dropped off the phone again.

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I am Yours, You are Mine

This is a song from my favorite movie, The Classic.

No ege Nan, Na ege No (I am yours, You are mine)
translation by: Goro-chan

I am yours, like the sun which sets
The beautiful memories are all from one place
Precious memories of the naive days together
Woo- they remain as a picture which has no regrets

You are mine and make the lonely times pass
You are the sunlight which shines on me
Your small white hand in mine
Like the sparkle of a jewel it makes the promise of eternity

* Repeat

You are mine, like a sad graduation song
You are still a small part of this hear tof mine
Your beauty glitters in your eyes
Like so many stars I hope you will always shine

* Repeat x 2

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No Good Lucks

I always use God Bless You instead of Good Luck.
I started that just this year.
I have read an article about Good Luck and God Bless but I really forgot what's the difference between them.
I also forgot where I have read that.

Maybe the difference of God Bless to Good Luck is that God Bless is you praying to God to bless the people you have told that line while Good Luck is just a luck.

(hard to explain)

Well, God Bless everyone.

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Message to be Remembered

These are Messages I received last night. So touching.

*Don't be like that. Don't focus on your problems. You can overcome it. Think Positive.

*Uhm just pray. We, your friends, are here.

*Life has full of problems but God knows you can overcome it. Just keep on praying and believing in Him.
Ge. Nyt2. Ingatz..switdrims. :-D

*"I'm your biggest fan. I'll follow you until you love me."

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