Sunday, July 5, 2009


Here is a message from me..

mmm...God's grace!!..
It's about God.
His great way on saving us.
He sent Jesus on earth to be just like us.
He sent Jesus to save us.

Jesus died on the cross without any single sin.
He died so that He could take our sins from the cross.

God sacrificed His only Son for us.

To be save..We just have to believe in God.
Repent from our sins.

We will not be saved just because of following The Ten Commandments.
But that does not mean that we should not follow it.
No man except Jesus did not sin.
We are sinners because we break the Law of Moses.
And it is said in the Bible, that those who breaks the law will be put into a curse.
The curse of dying. Spiritual death!

But Jesus followed everything on the Law.
and because of that if we believe in Jesus..
we will be saved.

His righteousness is imputed on us.
And the only way to be with God is to be perfect which means righteousness through Jesus.

I know it's hard to be explained but if we'll just open up our eyes and minds.
If we'll just read the Bible, follow it and understand everything on it, we will know the truth.


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